
About Us



It started with a hertbreaking eyesight of thousands of fishes are dead & floating in the river, some are still alive but struggling to breath, which an youngster “Sumit”  (Mechanical Engineer) used to swim & play in his childhood summer vacations with his friends.

This heart-wrenching scene sparked a fire within. He immersed himself in the research to find out the reason behind.

After months of Research & Analysis found that, The dead fishes are victims of pollution and toxic chemicals that had seeped into the water. To add to the devastation, he noticed foam forming on the riverbanks due to the drainage water coming from industries as well as wastewater from our homes filled with harmful substances.

One day of research, surprisingly he found some women’s are washing clothes on a big black rock in the side of the river and the foamy water is directly mixing in the river water, unknowingly contributing to the degradation of its ecosystem.

He read so many news articles, journals and rising river pollution cases in entire world and suddenly found a some eyeopening reports by :

“American Chemical Society” & “National Center for Biotechnology Information U.S.” saying that Harmfull Environmental impact of soap consumption, Household detergents & shampoos.

India is one of the largest consumers of soap and detergent products in the world due to its vast population.

The high concentration of detergents in freshwater bodies can cause massive foam to be created on water's surface, leading to the reduced rate of oxygen penetration into water. This situation prevents dissolved oxygen to be effectively absorbed by aquatic organisms. These substances in the aquatic ecosystem are responsible for altering chemical and physical parameters of water like pH, turbidity, salinity, and temperature. The reduction in water quality causes biochemical and physiological impairments in fish and other aquatic livings.

Fuelled by his findings, Sumit embarked on a journey to create a revolution in the bath and personal care.

He founded "," a haven for those seeking truly natural and Nature-friendly products.

Armed with his engineering acumen and a deep desire to protect the environment, Sumit uncovered the ancient "cold process method of soap making" and blended it with the herbs hidden within the pages of Ayurveda. The wisdom of generations past provided the solution he sought: a completely natural soap made from oils, butters and herbs that were abundantly available in India.

Sumit's thorough research and focus on education played a crucial role in raising awareness about the harmful impact of conventional bath products.

The startup faced challenges, but Sumit's unwavering commitment to his vision attracted like-minded individuals who shared his passion for sustainability. quickly gained momentum as people realized the adverse effects of chemical-based skincare products on their skin and the environment. soon became a shining beacon of hope and a symbol of conscious consumerism. The company's natural and environment-friendly products resonated with people far and wide, reaching every corner of India. As demand soared, the startup expanded its operations, providing livelihood opportunities to local artisans and promoting sustainable sourcing of ingredients.



Pure natural personal & home care products.



Chemical Free Living & Pollution Free Environment.


